Criminal Law

Ensuring justice is done if
you have been accused

Under the Spanish judicial system, if a person is charged with any offence, he/she has to stand trial. This means he/she hast to appear in court before a judge, in some specific cases before a jury. If the accused is found guilty, the judge will pass sentence. Depending on the seriousness of the offence, punishments range from life imprisonment, imposition of a fine, deprivation of certain rights, and a range of other measures.
The prosecution of serious motoring offences in Spain is made through the Spanish criminal courts. Minor motoring offences are considered administrative infractions in Spain that are governed under administrative rules which have nothing to do with the criminal system.
Extradition is the official process whereby one nation or state surrenders a suspected or convicted criminal to another nation or state. Learn how extradition cases are processed by the Spanish National Court (Audiencia Nacional). The European Arrest Warrant was created to ensure that an order for arrest issued by a court in one Member State could be directly enforced by a judge of another Member State. This article and video explains how EAWs are processed in Spain by the Central Investigation Courts at Madrid.